What if the Future is Volatile, Programmable and Dark?

Only the right application of design and technology will create positive outcomes.


The will to take ownership and lead teams and organizations to define and pursue their goals in any context. The ability to translate between stakeholders at and across all levels.

The experience to add value and velocity to any digital project by making cross-functional teams more capable and more agile. Using lean methods to achieve outsized impacts.

The capacity to reduce uncertainty and create novel experiences with foresight research, design workshops and prototype development. Creating products and services that people love to use.

Alper has written “Designing Conversational Interfaces”, one of the first books on chatbots.

Alper is employed at Choco and is occasionally available for coaching and speaking engagements. Get in touch!

Software Engineering

Alper holds a Masters in Media and Knowledge Engineering from Delft University of Technology and has 15+ years of industry experience. He is capable of architecting, engineering and delivering any kind of digital system.

Design Strategy

Alper is experienced in product design at the strategic level having worked as a partner at game design consultancy Hubbub. He is able to come up with and implement innovative systems and experiences that increase user engagement.

Lean / Agile

Alper is a practitioner and enthusiast of lean/agile methodology and other new ways of working. People do their best work together if all levels of an organization are aligned and responsive. Process and improvisation are natural complements to each other.


Alper is an early adopter of all forms of digital media and an expert public speaker, writer and photographer.


Alper is fluent in Dutch, English, Turkish, German, capable in French, Spanish and Portuguese and learning 日本語. He's cross-culturally sensitive, observant and flexible.

Special Interests


Alper is based in Berlin and can be found in Amsterdam irregularly.

Get in touch via Signal (alper.11), Bluesky (alper.nl, DMs open) or alper@thisdomain.